Friday, January 16, 2015

Frugal Fridays- Living in With Your Means

Living in with your means.........seems most people don't have a clue what this means. We have all done it, need something put it on a credit card, or a place that lets you buy now pay later. Most of the time we see this is in teenagers just starting out in the world.

Are you teaching your kids about money? How to save wisely? How not to be in debt? Some debt is good for example buying a house. Some is bad like credit cards.

Are you one of those like us who is working to pay off credit cards? I'll admit we used ours for Christmas even though we didn't want to. Our goal this year is to get at least half of them paid off. I am working on getting a extra job to get this goal done. While I don't know when I'll get to sleep having a extra job this is how we are planning on getting stuff paid off.

I read once if you want to pay off your credit cards start with the ones with the highest interest. They may not be the ones you owe the most on, but you are paying more in interest on them, costing you more money in the long run. This is our goal sitting down finding out which one has the highest interest and work on paying extra on that one every month. Once it is paid off we will apply what we have been paying on that one to another credit card till we get it paid off then go down the list.

There is also places that will help you where you can take in a list of your bills, credit cards, ect and they will work with the credit card companies to get the interested lowered. The catch to that is you CAN NOT use those cards the whole time. Most work on a 5 year plan to get everything paid off. For some people this might be the best option especially if you are in way over your head and don't want to claim bankruptcy. Check for a local place. Most charge you a fee for helping but should be less than trying to tackle all your credit card debt at once.

Got any tips for getting bills paid off faster? I'd love to know!

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