Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Using canned chicken

A few weeks ago I canned some chicken thighs bones and all. I did take off the skin before raw packing them into jars. My husband said before I got canning anymore meat we should try it to make sure it would get ate and not sit on the shelf for years.

So last night I made enchiladas with it! It was so nice to open a jar of chicken and mix the cheese and sauce up put it in the tortillas and put it in the pan. Took me under 10 minutes to get chicken enchiladas in the oven for dinner! I definitely plan on canning more chicken, preferably boned already, but this chicken i had gotten on sale for about $.50 a lb, so can't complain about those prices!

Do you can meat? Or used canned meats from the store? What kind of easy and quick meals do you make? I will be looking for more things to make easy with canned chicken like this. I have a few more jars left, I think this week I might have to make a baked chicken dinner the easy way!

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