Monday, September 3, 2012

Making Homemade Grape Juice

Making homemade Grape Juice is easy, the hardest part is your suppose to wait two months to taste it!

First off pick your grapes, you want something sweet, this round we used table grapes mixed with a few concord grapes from our vine out back. I got the recipe from the Canning Granny blog, her facebook page is becoming my favorite canning stops to see what everyone else is canning. She also uses Muscadine grapes.

First off I got all my jars washed and sanitized. Then got my lids and rings simmering and a pan of boiling to pour in jars over grapes and sugar. 

For each quart you need one cup of grapes and 1/2 cup of sugar. Sage helped measure grapes, then I put the sugar over top with a little water and swished it around to dissolve the water. Fill up the jars leaving 1 inch head space. Canning Granny's site said she water bathed them for 20 minutes. I did 30 to be on the safe side as my altitude is over 3000. 

After you water bath them, take them out and let them sit in a draft free place fore 24 hours to cool. Listen for the ping of your jars sealing. Shortly after taking ours out of the water bath the water started turning a dark purple from the concord grapes. 

After letting it sit for two months strain out the grapes and enjoy! For us we can't wait to try it, will be a hard two months!

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