Sunday, December 4, 2011

Homemade Enchiladas

Making Chicken or even Beef Enchiladas are easy! Take a can of enchilada sauce we use La Victoria because it's not spicy and Sage will eat it, 1 lb of meat, soft taco shells and about 1 lb of cheese. I buy my cheese in 5 lb bags from Costco or Sam's club.

Mix meat 1/2 lb cheese and about 3/4 can of enchilada sauce in a bowl. You can also add cottage cheese for extra flavor. I didn't this time as I forgot to pick some up at the store.

Then use soft taco size shells, and put a scoopful in.

Then roll them up burrito style and put the rest of the enchilada sauce over the top.

 And cover with cheese

and then I cover with tin foil and cook for about 35 min with tin foil on, then uncover and cook until cheese is melted and slightly brown.

Top with sour cream and enjoy! You can also put salsa or what ever toppings you enjoy on top. Last time I made some I did a double batch and froze them. You can also pre make them and not cook them. Freeze and cook when you are ready to eat them.

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