Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Still Kicking

October has been a busy month! And its not over.......... Tomorrow after school is pumpkin carving, then girl scouts, then on Friday is a halloween party at school, then Saturday we are going out for a family dinner with just the 3 of us, then Sunday is Jerry's birthday and finally the end of the month is Halloween!

Sage decided to be a vampire this year. She went from Princess to cat and now vampire! She's a strange one I tell ya! Don't worry I will be sure to get lots of super cute pictures!

Now I'm headed off to bed! My body is protesting after the last few days. Got 2 huge bags of apples from my neighbors (will start working on them tomorrow) and got over 20 lbs of grapes from down the road soon to be jelly, jelly and more jelly! Apples will be apple butter, apple pie filling and what ever else apples I can do. Probably will dry some also.

Hope you all have a great week!

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