Saturday, September 3, 2011

Farmers Market

Sage and I went to Farmers Market today here in Billings. I know a lot of the fruit and veggies are home grown, but wow the prices! We went on a Wednesday night a few weeks ago and seen corn for $6 a dozen! Today the highest was $5 a dozen, we found some peaches and cream corn for $4 a dozen, now to get Sage to husk it!

We did buy a 1/2 pound of cherries as Sage has been asking for them for awhile and I can't see buying a whole bag in the store where we'd have pay a arm and leg for them. We also got some cukes, and a cookie that I got one whole bite from.

Makes me all the happier we have been getting baskets from Bountiful Baskets every week we get fresh fruit and veggies. Sage even made a sandwich with lettuce on it today!

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