Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Tis the season..............for WANTING?????

I am on a few local groups and some that are "free" groups. It seems like its all about people who want, want, want! This is the holiday for giving, but also for being thankful for what you have. I personally HATE the holidays. My only joy is watching Sage open her gifts. She is getting one big one we barley managed to get this year, the rest is small, under $5-$10 gifts along with presents from family under our tree. The dollar tree at this time of year is my friend! Expecially for craft items!

She knows at 9 what Christmas is truly about! Her girl scout troop made bags for the homeless this month and the whole troop went and dropped them off at a local shelter and learned a bit about what they do. 

Instead of buying gifts for all the adults in the family Sage and I are making breads and cookies. Things that won't break the bank but come from the heart. 

I am so sick of watching these people on these groups asking for items, and people saying if its not a need then we won't consider you. It's really like watching a Jerry Springer show on facebook. You want to leave but you can't look away. There is some RUDE people, and I mean rude, people who give and people who receive. I've seen name calling, posts saying for people who really need it, and one lady went as far as to post that she looks at peoples pages. If they have piercings or tattoos they don't need things. They can afford to buy things. As a person with tattoos I can tell you I definitely got mine in better times! This year we are scraping by just like everyone else. 

So maybe everyone needs to step back from thinking Christmas is all about $$$$$$ and do something for someone who can't do that for themselves. Have a elderly neighbor? Maybe bake them something, tell them you'll shovel their snow for them this winter, or even ask them to let you know if they need a ride to the store. 

Know someone who is struggling that has kids? Maybe get them a gift certificate for the dollar store and they can get a few stocking stuffers for their kids. 

My reason for trying to enjoy the holidays as much as I can is in the picture below. With out her we wouldn't even have a tree set up. (Trust me I waited as long as I could this year.)

Instead of teaching your kids its about how many presents you have under the tree or how expensive those presents were teach them the true meaning of Christmas. To myself the true meaning is being able to help others who are less fortunate than us, being thankful for a roof over our head (even if it leaks on occasion), and food to put on the table. 

I'd love to hear what Christmas, or what ever holiday you celebrate, or even this time of year means to you. 

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